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What Is Generative AI and How Does It Work in Translations?

Posted: 13th December 2023 00:33
AI seems to revolutionise industries and grow at an expected rate of 37.3% between 2023 and 2030. This is because, according to statistics, around 35% of businesses have successfully adopted AI, and many will follow the lead soon. 
Among the amazing products of this technology, Generative AI is popular these days and may help your business grow at an exceptional rate. You might see your venture stand out by having AI translation services on board. 
How? Let's dig in to unveil the secret and how to use this technology wisely. 
Everything You Need to Know About Generative AI
Gone are the days when AI was just used to classify and identify different objects. Today, this technology can help produce original content through generative AI. 
Generative AI is a unique technology that can produce all types of content, including videos, graphics, and text. Interestingly, this tool takes only a few seconds to get you your desired content. 
This technology was first introduced in the 1960s in the shape of chatbots. However, only recently, it has developed and been able to create authentic videos, images, and audio of real people. 
The fantastic invention can also help you achieve high-quality movie dubbing and generate exceptional educational content. 
Haven't you heard of ChatGPT, Bard, and DALL-E? These generative AI applications can produce images and text based on your dialogue or prompt. 
ChatGPT was released in November 2022 and works as an AI-powered chatbot that interacts with natural dialogue. 
DALL-E was launched in January 2021 and can convert text to imagery. You can also use it to create variations of the generated images and edit your results. 
Bard is also quite like ChatGPT and generates texts. It was released in March 2023 in the USA and UK and plans to expand its services worldwide. 
But there is precisely one advancement that has made generative AI pretty mainstream. Transformers, a machine learning category, has made it convenient for researchers to train and shape large models without needing advanced data labelling. 
How Does Generative AI Work? 

This machine learning category doesn't demand any form of explicit training. Instead, it works through the training of various software models and predicts using data. 
Generative AI consumes the neutral network that allows this technology to solve complex patterns, making it far more valuable and authentic than a traditional machine learning method. One of the best qualities of neural networks is that they don't require human intervention to differentiate the various patterns in your system's training data. The technology is inspired by a human brain that helps generative AI to train well and create unique output. 
Using Generative AI for Your Business Translations
Most generative AI models can handle each category easily, whether you have open-ended or multiple tasks. The technology has wide-ranging applications that you can use in your business on a daily basis. 
For instance, you can utilise generative AI for some technical translations. Nonetheless, you will still need the assistance of a professional translation agency that will use real human translators. This is because technology is still at a place where it does not have the logic to understand real context, the same way a qualified translator would.
To understand this better, our team spoke with the leading professional translator from TS24, the UK’s top translation agency, who said that for a translation service to be fully accurate, the translator must consider not only the linguistic aspects but also socio-cultural factors. This is because such factors can directly affect how your translation is perceived within the global market and by your target audience.
Having said this, generative AI can work across an extensive range of media. This has easily opened many creative possibilities for your venture. 
Companies use ChatGPT and Bard in many ways, such as to conduct their research and workflow. Similarly, AI language models are currently used for code writing, genetic sequencing, and business, academic, and creative writing. 
Particular speech and audio models are utilised for dubbing, sound editing, dictation, and creating compositions. Imagery and visual models have helped create creative designs, infographics, illustrations, and 3D models. 
Generative AI is also popular in certain industries. For instance, data generated through AI is often used to run simulations. You can also use the technology to train new autonomous vehicles. 
Entertainment and media industries are using generative AI applications to produce content and reduce the efforts put in by writers. 
AI has a lot of potential in the education sector. This emerging technology is an excellent way to supplement traditional classroom concepts with one-to-one tutoring through online platforms. 
One of the best things about generative AI is that it can be used in any industry to automate tasks quickly. You can use it to design customised solutions.
Is Generative AI All You Need? 
While generative AI is a powerful tool and can benefit you through its AI translation services, relying solely on it shouldn't be a practice. The technology has a few cons that must be avoided to prevent mishaps.
For instance, certain AI technologies have a tendency to generate errors. These mistakes fail to correspond with real-world facts, making your data and research wrong in the long run. 
Additionally, most generative AI applications face veracity and data quality issues. Interestingly, many companies such as TikTok and OpenAI hire underpaid workers to conduct activities like data enrichment. This increases the chances of generating poor-quality data. 
Unfortunately, most generative AI applications fail to filter out inappropriate content. Companies usually hire contractors to perform this job who find it hard to separate traumatising work from non-offensive work. 
There have been concerns about using generative AI to produce misleading information through voice recordings and imagery. It also elevates certain privacy issues related to business and personal data storage and use. 
Finally, in some cases, generative AI applications have a high energy consumption as they require a lot of electricity. This is a significant issue, especially with an ongoing negative economic impact. 
The Bottom Line
You may not be wrong if you think generative AI can change how your business runs right now. The technology can potentially elevate your venture's performance and growth. 
Additionally, it can generate high-quality output so you can be on top of your game. That said, it is imperative to be vigilant when using the powers of AI. The technology can also sometimes generate errors and ruin your work. 

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