
Using Mailing List for Sale Tactics

Posted: 3rd September 2015 15:24

Mailing lists are a very important tool in terms of generating leads and, eventually, sales. It is for good reason, therefore, that there are many different companies online that offer mailing lists for sale. Others, however, prefer to compile their own lists. While this is more time consuming, they often feel that the list is more accurate and targeted at the right people. Either way, all mailing lists have a number of key features of importance.

Features of a Good Mailing List

The key to a good mailing list is knowing what the target audience is. This means that you must first be able to define who you are actually trying to reach. Think about age, gender, ethnic background, education level, interests, geographic location and so on. The more information you have, the easier it will become to actually segment your mailing. As a result, you will also see better responses to whatever mailing you send out, as it will go to people who are more likely to be interested in it.

Additionally, it is a known fact that if you are able to reach someone who has very recently made a purchase, it is more likely that they will make a second one. Naturally, this is only true if their original purchase experience was a positive one. This is one of the main reasons why many businesses prefer to compile their own lists, using the details of people who have shopped with them before.

However, if you are a newly started business, or if you want to see your customer database grow rapidly, then using only those who have used your services is generally not enough. In this case, it is better to find a list for sale, but you must check that this list has been recently updated and cleaned up, so that you don’t actually buy a huge list of invalid emails or people who don’t exist anymore.

How to Find Mailing Lists for Sale

You must find a company that has a reputation of being reliable and trustworthy when it comes to their mailing lists. The best ones are also linked to the Direct Marketing Association, or DMA. Any good mailing list supplier will have the DMA logo displayed on their website, but you can also go directly to the DMA and check it for yourself. If you do not find them on this register, then you need to question whether their list will be truly reliable and safe to use. Remember that if you get reported for spam, it will look bad on you, not on your mailing list provider.

You should also check whether you can specify what types of people you want to see included on your mailing list. This will ensure that you see a better return on investment. Again, this is why you need to figure out what your target audience is before you start buying. For instance, if you are an insurance provider, it would be pointless to but a mailing list of people who are interested in pet supplies.