
Top Three Ways to Improve Employee Productivity

Posted: 23rd May 2018 10:58

It doesn't matter what size business or company you own, productive employees are essential to increased profit margins. Furthermore, the way that you run your business can have a direct impact on how efficient your employees will be.

This article is aimed to discuss the importance of employee productivity and how you can aim to improve the overall culture of your work environment. By following these three tips, you'll emphasize motivation, praise, and disciplinary guidelines to get the best out of your workers. 

"Human" Recognition

It's important to recognize the human element in your workplace environment. Your employees aren't just cogs in a system, their talented individuals that you and your HR department have hired to perform under you. Take a step back and think about this for a moment. Have you made an effort to help improve the overall atmosphere of your workplace? Some things like monetary compensation are great motivators, but what other adjustments have been made to connect with them on a personable level? Sure, bi-monthly turkey gift certificates to their favorite deli may be great for morale, but does it help you get to know your employees? Be involved in your business and take the time to know them.

1. Praise When Necessary

One of the most effective tools in your arsenal comes in the form of words. Making your employees feel like they're contributing to the bigger picture can provide them with a sense of worth in relation to your business. Many managers tend to ignore this, which contributes to a grim work environment and low morale. Positive reinforcement can provide the mental and physical boost that one needs to continue pushing through adversity. The tasks that you set out for them may not be the easiest. Let them know how appreciative you are - it could even be a simple, "thank you for your hard work and effort on this project."

2. Create a Quality Work Environment

A healthy working environment involves a quality workplace setting. While many managers opt to go with bare office accessories and a creaky desk that's been handed down, they're ignoring what could be a major problem in terms of productivity. Now, I'm not saying go "all out" and purchase the most expensive ergonomic accessories and office supplies known to man. But, supplying them with just enough so that they can call home may be a way to improve morale. This also coincides with employee interaction and can improve communication within the work environment - which as you already know, is a crucial aspect of a successful business. 

3. Establish Disciplinary Guidelines

By establishing disciplinary guidelines, you're improving productivity without even realizing it. Motivation comes in both positive and negative forms. If an employee doesn't perform up to the standards that he or she set in the beginning, disciplinary actions may result. Furthermore, if an individual doesn't take the job seriously and starts to slack off, according to the guidelines that you set from the get-go, he or she will face penalties. Establishing these guidelines could minimize the amount of rebellion or improper behavior that could occur.

Many business owners have a fear of losing valuable talent due to disciplinary actions. It's true, some of your employees may leave after a disagreement or any problem that arises. However, don't kick them to the curb. Come up with creative ways to help them turn their behavior and/or work performance around. There are various ways to improve employee behavior, you just need to take the time to figure out what works and what doesn't. There isn't a one size fits all method that will work with each and every person, so trial and error may be something that naturally occurs. Just keep a balance between positive and negative reinforcement.