
Holiday-Based Marketing and How to Stay on Top of It

Posted: 2nd November 2021 15:10

Holiday marketing is fast-paced and changes at a moment's notice. From September to March, retailers are often sending consulting proposals to marketers in an attempt to keep up with the increase in business. Even with a plan, it always seems like there’s never enough time to keep up with the large amount of products and services you wish to offer during this busy time.

While it can be challenging to stay on top of your campaigns and advertising spending, these tips and tricks should improve your marketing strategy and make it more manageable.

The Best Holiday Time Saving Marketing Strategies

Businesses can save time by accessing work files via remote logging. With remote logging, you can access files through the cloud and download or upload them from outside the office.

Launch Shopping Campaigns

Shopping ads are incredible from a shopper's perspective because they provide everything a buyer needs to make a snap decision about what they want to buy. What's more, they won’t have to click through multiple products; your ad is front and center, picture and all.

Whether you have some incredible flowers for sale or a gingerbread house-making kit, you can add your products on Google directly through Google’s Shopping Ads. Other than that, watch your analytics and adjust your campaigns if you're not receiving enough clicks or traction.

Invest in Social Media Advertising

If you haven’t invested in Facebook, Instagram, or other social media advertising, now's the time to start. It’s guaranteed that people will avoid the holiday rush by visiting social media, offering you a selling opportunity. What’s more, social media uses cookies to match with their buyer's preferences and large images to capture the attention of your potential customers.

Leverage Ad Automation

A “set it and forget it” approach rarely works, so your ad automation can’t be entirely hands-off. If you use a service like Google Analytics, you only need to spend 20 minutes a week optimizing and refining your paid search strategy. Ad automation is incredibly powerful during the holidays.

Since holidays are time-sensitive, you could create specific campaigns targeting Christmas shoppers that begin automatically the first week of December and pause them after the 26th. If you plan to use automation, don’t forget to terminate a campaign when it’s no longer relevant.

Use Keyword Research

This tried and true holiday marketing technique involves using keyword research to attract customers. You must capitalize on seasonal searches and other timely trends because your business needs to stay ahead of what’s popular. While this is the most time-consuming, it’s worth it to revisit keywords before the holiday season to discover more selling opportunities.

Focus on Ad Extensions and Copy

Features like call extensions, site links, and review extensions on Google Ads are useful to holiday shoppers, so when you’re creating ads, don’t forget to take advantage of them. Ad extensions improve your chance of converting shoppers as long as your ad copy is tight.

Always revisit your ad copy during the holiday season. If you want to tackle all holidays, just write “Holiday Gifts,” not “Christmas Gifts” to save time. Don’t overlook the value of incentivizing. You can add phrases like “avoid the holiday rush” or time-sensitive discounts to your copy.